Sociedad Ambiente Marino (SAM)


Sociedad Ambiente Marino (SAM) ( was established in 2001 when the deteriorating health of local coral reefs off the coasts of Puerto Rico became apparent to 6 diver friends. This group felt compelled to do everything they could protect and preserve these marine ecosystems. For years they worked as volunteers, establishing what has become the largest coral nursery/restoration project in the Carribean. SAM is headquartered in Culebra as a scientific and community-based, non-profit environmental organization with the mission of fostering the conservation and restoration of marine resources. SAM is guided by the principle that social wellbeing significantly depends on the sustainable use and management of natural resources. SAM fulfills its mission through a combination of efforts and services, including scientific research, coral reef restoration, marine mitigation, public education, outreach, and advocacy.


SAM has led, for more than 15 years, the Community-Based Coral Aquaculture and Reef Rehabilitation Program on Culebra, resulting in the planting of over 75,000 colonies of ESA-listed Staghorn coral (Acropora cervicornis). It is the oldest community-based reef

aquaculture and restoration program in the Caribbean.  SAM has conducted and collaborated in extensive multi-disciplinary scientific research projects, producing an extensive archive of peer-reviewed publications. It has also actively participated in multiple forums regarding the planning and implementation of natural resource and environmental conservation public policy. SAM has also provided technical support to government institutions regarding environmental impact assessments and marine mitigation. 

Photo credits: Joel Rader and Juan Sanchez